Section box

You can use a section box to clip the viewable portion of a 3D view.
Go to 3D view. Properties, Extents, √Section box
Go to plan or elevation view to modify the extents of a section box.
Uncheck the Section box to hide it.
Create a 3D working section
Duplicate the 3D View and Rename it as “working 3D”.
Properties, Extents, √Section box
Uncheck the Section box to hide it.
 Create a 3D section
1. Create a section A view. Duplicate a 3D View and rename “Section A”
2. Right click on the ViewCube – Orient to View – Sections, then select the “Section A”
Adjust the grips, and hide the 3D section box. Shift key + middle mouse to orbit as desired.
Adjust the location of the section line in plan or other view to display the section cut as desired.

checking a selected element in 3D view

Select element. Modify, View, Section box


Author: Park

Architectural designer

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